Monday, January 12, 2009

Canada in 2109!

In this entry I will be responding to an entry in a history blog called "To the Nines -- reviewing the centuries" .
In the past 500 years Canada has been through many hard times. From the war with the Aboriginals to the war with the U.S to the current economic situation. There has been a lot to celebrate as well. From forming a new country to inventions that have helped the whole world. Such as the telephone and the Canadarm.
I have no doubt that in the future Canada will have many more things to celebrate and that there will be many more problems. There may also be big changes in the environment. We all know that the environment is not in the best possible state today but who knows, with the measures that are being put into place we may see a reverse effect to what is happening now. Of course the opposite may happen. I am optimistic that the environment will change for the better.
Another thing that may change is the population. We can already see that the population has increased greatly increased since Canada first became a country. In the future more and more people may see that Canada is a great place to live and immigrate here from all over the world.
I believe that another thing that will change greatly in Canada is the politics. Who knows, the U.S has just elected their first black President. In the next 100 years Canada may elect its first Aboriginal Prime Minister.
One thing that I know for sure is that Canada will be nothing like the Canada we know today in the year 2109!


Shauna Pollock said...

Wow, Jessi!

This is one of the best responses I've read yet! You've done a wonderful job reflecting and you responded to the questions thoughtfully, appropriately and concisely!

I am very very impressed with your work here. I especially liked your idea of Canada having an Aboriginal Prime Minister, I think that would be a wonderful thing for our country and would show how far we've come.

Wonderful work, I hope you don't mind, but I'll be directing students to this post as an example of a job very well done!

Sabrina H said...

I love this entry! It's awesome! great job!

Santana B said...

Hey Jessica! I have a question about assignment #4 are we supposed to comment on 3 peoples assignment #3.

Santana B said...

I really like your blog entry. You have some great ideas about what might happen in 2109. great job!

Shukria A said...

Hey Jessi,

I love your blog. It is very detailed and thourough with alot of predictions on how you think 2109 will look like. I found it very interesting on how you sort of compared America and Canada bringing up a very important topic. Excellent work!

Shukria A

Auguste said...

Ya may elect its first aboriginal prime minister but our aboriginal population is very sparse not like in the U.S where there are just as many African Americans as there are White people.